Do not use any ABAP commands that cause you to leave the exit directly, for example LEAVE TO SCREEN. In the includes of the substitution exits, you must not use the commands MODIFY, INSERT or DELETE in the internally used structures such as BSEG or BKPF. These structures are interpreted internally as database tables because they are defined by a TABLES statement. As a result, the system writes, deletes or changes database records if you use the commands mentioned above. This can cause serious inconsistencies and problems in the document processing.

How many and what kind of paramter(s) are used in the user exit. The following parameter types exist:C_EXIT_PARAM_NONE Use no parameter except B_RESULT . If you do not want to substitute a field, use this parameter in the substitution .C_EXIT_PARAM_FIELD Use one field as param. Exactly one field is substituted.C_EXIT_PARAM_CLASS Use a type as parameter.Step3: Create a FORM for your exit which will define its functionality.In form GET_EXIT_TITLES we have define our EXIT-NAME as 'U111'. So wee need to create a FORM with name U111 which will define the functionality of our user exit.
Scriptcase sc exit code#
Here I am taking a simple example of populating the Item Text (BSEG-SGTXT).*-*CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT'CONCATENATE c_asterisk bseg-zuonr c_hypen wl_awkey INTO bseg-sgtxt.You need to be cautious when writing code for your user exit. A substitution value can be numeric or a string.

The system first performs some validations and then substitutions.This macro modifies the application exit URL. When a script is cataloged, the user has the option of the context choice where it will be stored.Fixed problem when changing user privileges in Scriptcase administration. With line breaks, in editable grid (view) forms. Fixed problem with displaying ajax event output in grid applications.